Booking Terms and Conditions

1. Contract with Life Adventures Travel SAC

The terms and conditions set forth below (the “Terms”) constitute the entire understanding and agreement between Life Adventures Travel SAC (“Life Adventures,” “we,” or “our”) and the customer (the “Customer” or “you”) with respect to any and all bookings, trips or transactions made with Life Adventures Travel SAC. As used in the Terms, “Life Adventures Travel SAC”, “we” and “our” include Life Adventures Travel SAC owners, directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents and affiliates.

2. Reservations

To reserve a space on any trip, each Customer must submit:
A completed personal information of all travelers
Full name, as in your passport
Passport number, nationality, Age, sex.
Confirm if you are Adult or Student, Students apply only those under 24 years old “with ISIC Card International Student Isic Card”
Confirm trip and departure date.
Inform us about meals remarks “vegetarian, allergies, etc”
A deposit of USD $ 200 per person (paid by credit card, pay online, deposit by western union, money gram, 31 or more days in advance of the trip).
The balance of the Trip Cost (the “Balance”) is due 01 days prior to departure in our office in Lima or Cusco.

3. Payments

Payment of the Balance can be made by:

Credit Card (Visa American Express), Personal / Cashier’s Check, Money Order

Payment of the Balance submitted less than 01 days prior to trip departure must be made by credit card or other payment form specifically approved by Life Adventures Travel SAC. If payment of the Balance is not paid when due, Life Adventures Travel SAC reserves the right to treat the reservation as canceled. No one will be allowed to depart on a trip unless all payments and necessary documents have been received by Life Adventures Travel SAC.

4. Single Supplement

All accommodations (hotels, boats, tents, etc…) are based on double occupancy. We will try to find roommates for single travelers willing to share accommodations. If this is not feasible or if you prefer single accommodations, you will be assessed the Single Supplement charge listed for the itinerary.

5. Cancellation by Customer

If you must cancel, all reservation deposits will be returned minus a cancellation fee. Cancellations must be in writing. If made 91 or more days prior to departure, the cancellation fee is $50 per person and any cancellation fees, surcharges, or nonrefundable deposits charged to Life Adventures Travel SAC by individual hotels, airlines or other third parties will be charged to your file “trip cost”. If made 31-60 days prior to departure, the fee is 50% of the Trip Cost and if made 30 days or less prior to departure, the cancellation fee is 100% of the Trip Cost. No partial refunds will be given for unused hotel rooms, meals, sightseeing trips or trekking arrangements for any reason whatsoever. The Trip Cost is quoted as a package and credits are not given for services not used. Some Trips like the Inka trail to Machupicchu apply a different cancellation schedule. In this case, the vessel’s cancellation policy is in addition to Life Adventures Travel SAC cancellation policy.

6. Prices, Surcharges and Validity

As we publish our prices in advance, Life Adventures Travel SAC may occasionally be faced with significant cost increases due to factors over which we have no control. Consequently, we reserve the right to charge the Customer a surcharge due to unfavorable exchange rates, increases in airfares or other transport costs, taxes, or if government action should require us to do so. Surcharges will be calculated according to the full extra cost, compared to the original costs and exchange rates. Likewise, if our costs decrease, we will pass on the savings to the Customer.

7. Airlines

Life Adventures Travel SAC is not responsible for any acts or failures to act of any airlines. We may use airlines different than the one(s) mentioned in our advertisements, and Life Adventures Travel SAC is not able to guarantee the type of aircraft to be used by any airline. In addition, Life Adventures Travel SAC is not responsible for losses due to cancelled flights, or changed flight itineraries or seat assignment. The Customer may not cancel the contract without penalty due to a change of airline, aircraft type, route, or destination. The responsibility of the airlines is limited to the carriage of passengers and baggage in accordance with the airline’s terms and conditions of service.

8. Delays

Any costs, whether direct or incidental, incurred by the Customer as the result of delays caused by bad weather, trail conditions, river levels, road conditions, transportation delays, sickness, government intervention or other contingencies which are beyond the control of Life Adventures Travel SAC will not be reimbursed.

9. Changes by Life Adventures Travel SAC

Reasonable changes in the itinerary may be made where deemed advisable by Life Adventures Travel SAC for the comfort and well-being of the Customers because of unforeseen circumstances or because of circumstances beyond the control of Life Adventures Travel SAC. If any such change is made prior to the time the USD $ 200 deposit is paid, the Customer will be told of the change at the time of booking. If the change is made thereafter, Life Adventures Travel SAC will inform the Customer as soon as is reasonably possible. Cancellations by the Customer made as a result of any such change shall be subject to the provisions of Paragraph 5, above. Life Adventures Travel SAC shall not be liable for any damages arising from or related to any such change and the Customer waives the right to assert a claim for such damages against Life Adventures Travel SAC.

10. Changes by the Customer

Any changes made by the Customer between 60 and 30 days before departure will be charged a $30 administrative fee per change. Any changes made between 29 and 15 days will be charged a $50 administrative fee per change. No changes may be made by the Customer within 14 days of departure. This includes, without limitation, booking additional accommodations, transfers or excursions. Life Adventures Travel SAC is not responsible for additional expenses incurred by the Customer as a result of such changes, including but not limited to non-refundable “Advance Purchase” Life Adventures Travel SAC.

11. Authority on Tour

The Customer must at all times comply with the laws and respect the social norms of the country being visited as well as with all government regulations pertaining to customs, drugs and foreign exchange. At all times the decision of Life Adventures Travel SAC tour leader or representative is final on all matters that may threaten the safety, or interfere with the well being, of the group or individual Customers. Should the Customer fail to comply with this section, or should the Customer interfere with the well being of the group or individual Customers, Life Adventures Travel SAC tour leader or representative may order the Customer to leave the tour without recourse to any refund.

12. Medical Fitness & Health

It is vital that Customers with medical problems make them known to us at the time of registration. The trip leader has the right to disqualify anyone at any time during the trip if the trip leader believes that the Customer’s continued participation will jeopardize the health or well being of the Customer involved or the group. Refunds are not given under such circumstances. In the event a Customer is injured or becomes ill, Life Adventures Travel SAC will attempt to secure the best possible medical attention available. However, Life Adventures Travel SAC assumes no liability for or regarding the provision of medical care or its cost.

13. Baggage

Life Adventures Travel SAC assumes no liability for loss or damage to baggage in transit to and from a Life Adventures Travel SAC trip or while on a Life Adventures Travel SAC trip.

14. Travel Insurance

Life Adventures Travel SAC highly recommends that the Customer obtain personal travel insurance, including baggage and cancellation insurance.

- Travel Insurance is a cost effective way to protect yourself and your equipment in the event of problems due to – Canceled Trips, Delays, Medical Problems, Baggage Loss or Damage.

- Travel insurance may be purchased through traditional insurers or online insurers (such as

15. Travel Documents

The Customer must obtain and have possession of a valid passport (PASSPORT MUST BE VALID AT LEAST 185 DAYS FROM DEPARTURE DATE), all visas, permits and certificates, and vaccination certificates, required for the entire tour. The Customer accepts responsibility for obtaining these documents and any other necessary documents. Information or advice given by Life Adventures Travel SAC on visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage, special equipment, etc., is given in good faith but without responsibility on the part of Life Adventures Travel SAC and the Customer expressly waives any claim that Life Adventures Travel SAC is liable for damages arising from such information or advice.

16. Claims and Complaints

If a Customer has a claim or complaint against Life Adventures Travel SAC, the Customer must first inform Life Adventures Travel SAC of the claim or complaint in writing within five days after the end of the trip. Failure to comply with this requirement waives the Customer’s right to assert any such claim or complaint against Life Adventures Travel SAC.

17. Binding Arbitration

I agree that any dispute concerning, relating, or referring to this contract, the catalogue, the website, or any other literature or materials concerning my Life Adventures Travel SAC trip, or the trip itself shall be resolved exclusively by Peruvian binding arbitration.

18. Limitation of Remedies

The Customer agrees that the sole remedy for any default by Life Adventures Travel SAC arising under the Terms shall be the return of the paid Trip Cost. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, Life Adventures Travel SAC will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind (including for personal injury) regardless of the form of the action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, even if Life Adventures Travel SAC has been advised of the possibility of such damages, and the Customer expressly waives any right it may have to recover such damages.

19. Severability

I understand and agree that in the event that one or more of the provisions of the Terms, for any reason, is held to be invalid or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof, and the Terms shall be construed as if such invalid or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein.

20. Entire Agreement.

The Terms contain the entire understanding between the Customer and Life Adventures Travel SAC in connection with the subject matter of the Terms and it supersedes and replaces all prior negotiations, statements, and representations concerning the subject matter of the Terms except as expressly contained in the Terms.

21. Amendment.

The Terms may not be amended, altered or modified, except by a written amendment executed by the Customer and Life Adventures Travel SAC.

22. Construction.

It is the intent of the Customer and Life Adventures Travel SAC that no part of the Terms be construed against any party because of the identity of the drafter.

23. Medical Insurance

Every Customer must be covered by travel-related personal medical insurance. The insurance must cover personal accident, medical expenses, air ambulance, loss of effects, repatriation costs and all other expenses which might arise as a result of loss, damage, or injury occurring to the Customer. The Customer agrees to obtain and/or verify that he/she has sufficient travel-related personal medical insurance coverage for the trip. Baggage and cancellation insurance are also highly recommended.

I agree to obtain and/or verify that I have the above travel-related personal medical insurance which meets Life Adventures Travel SAC minimum requirements and to provide proof of said insurance to Life Adventures Travel SAC.

Signature of Travelers


I, the Customer acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate on the trip designated on this application and that I have read the description of the trip as it appears in the trip itinerary. I am voluntarily participating in this trip with knowledge of the hazards involved.

Signature of Travelers


Life Adventures Travel SAC does not own or operate any entity that provides goods or services for your trip including, without limitation, hotels or other lodging facilities, airlines, vessels, bus, van or other transportation companies, local ground operators, providers or organizers of optional excursions, or food service or entertainment providers. Life Adventures Travel SAC gives notice that it acts independently of, and is not responsible for, the owners, contractors, and suppliers providing means of transportation and/or all other related travel services and assumes no responsibility for expense, injury, loss or damage to person or property resulting from: acts of God, detention, annoyance, delays, quarantine, strikes, thefts, pilferage, force majeure (an event or effect that cannot be reasonably anticipated or controlled), failure of any means of conveyance to arrive or depart as scheduled, civil disturbances, terrorism, government and national park restrictions changes, or regulations, discrepancies or changes in transit or hotel services over which it has no control, animals, marine life or vegetation of any sort, dangers incident to recreational activities such as scuba diving, snorkeling, swimming, kayaking, sailing, canoeing, rafting, hiking, bicycling, rock climbing, etc., sanitation problems, food poisoning, lack of access to or quality of medical care, difficulty in evacuation in case of a medical or other emergency, or for any other cause beyond the direct control of Life Adventures Travel SAC. The Customer is voluntarily participating on the trip with knowledge that travel to foreign countries and/or remote areas visited by this trip involves numerous risks and dangers which the Customer accepts, including, but not limited to: the forces of nature; civil unrest; terrorism; the condition of roads, trails, hotels, vehicles, boats or other means of conveyance which are not operated or maintained to standards common in the United States; high altitude; accident or illness without access to means of rapid evacuation or availability of medical supplies; the adequacy of medical attention once provided; physical exertion for which the Customer is not prepared; consumption of alcoholic beverages; or negligence (but not the willful or fraudulent conduct) on the part of Life Adventures Travel SAC or those entities with whom Life Adventures Travel SAC to provide services to the Customer. The Customer acknowledges that the enjoyment and excitement of adventure travel is derived in part from the inherent risks incurred by travel and activity beyond the accepted safety of life at home or work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and excitement and are a reason for the Customer’s voluntary participation.

I hereby agree to the above and to be responsible for my own welfare, and accept any and all risks of delay, unanticipated events, illness, injury, emotional trauma or death.

Signature of Travelers


I acknowledge that the cost of all Life Adventures Travel SAC trips have been based upon Trip Customers executing this Release of Liability and Assumption of All Risks. Therefore, as lawful consideration for being permitted to participate on such adventure travel activities I hereby RELEASE AND DISCHARGE FOREVER Life Adventures Travel SAC AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY ARISING FROM MY PARTICIPATION IN THE TRIP. I agree this release shall be legally binding upon myself, all minors under the age of 18 traveling with me, all members of my family, my and their heirs, successors, assigns, and legal representatives, it being my intention to fully assume all the risks of travel associated with this trip and to release Life Adventures Travel SAC of and from any and all liabilities to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Signature of Travelers

PARENT OR GUARDIAN OF A MINOR - I, as a parent or guardian of the below named minor, hereby give my permission for my child or ward to participate in the trip and further agree, personally and on behalf of my child or ward, to the Terms.

Name of Minor Signature of Parent or Guardian Dated


William Escalante Taype

Why Life Adventures Travel SAC?

  • We are travel experts.

  • Fully customizable Inca Trail.

  • 24/7 support from our experts tours.

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